Last Update:  07/23/2005

As previously stated, this warship has been built with the provision for docking two modified B'rel-class Scouts (the successor to the famous Bird-Of-Prey Scout of decades past.)   This is one of the first vessels of the Vor'Cha class, as well as one of the first in the Fleet, to incorporate this feature.  This is intended to be considered for installation aboard flag vessels of high-ranking Fleet command officers for personal use without interfering with the operations of the host vessel.  Alternately, these vessels are able to perform support operations for combat forces engaged against enemy forces.  It must be remembered that these vessels are not as durable in a combat situation as the standard B'rel due to the redesign work required to accommodate the vessel aboard the support ship.  In this capacity, they would be acting as an oversized fighter/assault shuttle.

Accommodating the modified B'rel Scout proved to be more difficult that first anticipated.  The size of this Scout, while rather small compared to most other vessels in the fleet (even smaller than the standard B'rel Scout), occupied virtually all of the enlarged Hanger Deck of the K'T'Inga-class vessels that initially pioneered this concept.  Operation of the reduced fighter/shuttle compliment proved to be almost impossible.  The Scout had been parked as close to a side wall as possible, leaving a small space on the port side for fighters and shuttles to pass for launch and recovery.  Tractor beams and anti-gravity devices were used to move the fighters and shuttles around, in addition to positioning the modified B'rel wings as far up as the Hanger Deck would allow.  Hanger Deck personnel found this situation to be extremely difficult to work with, and on occasions where the fighters were operating at full intensity levels, their turnaround time in combat was found to be unacceptable.

Extensive analysis of this situation (made worse than before by a request to accommodate two B'rel ships on this vessel instead of one on a K'T'Inga) was performed at the Research and Development facilities of Reshtarc Combined Arms, Ltd.  Several computer models and simulations were developed in pursuit of different ways of tackling this difficult situation.  An acceptable resolution to the problem was finally developed:  reduce slightly the size of the standard Hanger Bay and crew areas, and put the newly-freed space toward the incorporation of dedicated Scout bays (one for each Scout.)


Bay One is on the dorsal (top) surface just in front of the dorsal sensor module occupying a part of the rear dorsal crew quarters area of the standard Vor'Cha.

Bay Two is positioned below the aft torpedo launcher and above the Hanger Bay.

The Hanger Bay height was designed to be what was felt to be close to the minimum acceptable amount for fighter/shuttle operations to accommodate Scout Bay Two.  This did have the effect of potentially eliminating or reducing the usability of future fighter and shuttle designs if they were made much larger than current craft, but that was felt to be acceptable by High Command.

During the time spent developing the docking methods for the B'rels, it had been intended to have three Scouts operate with the vessel.  The third was projected to have been placed in the belly of the vessel.  The B'rel would dock in the same manner as with Bay One except in an inverted manner (in effect, landing on the bay's "ceiling" (relative to the Vor'Cha).  Had this been implemented, the synthetic gravity field emitter installation around the bay would have had to be rethought to ensure that the Scout would remain resting on the bay's "ceiling".  Studies were made in implementing the same system used in the Qapla'-class Strike Cruiser as it has an inverted shuttle bay in its ventral surface.  During times that the Vor'Cha would be operating in planetary atmospheres, considerable strain would be put on the gravity generators to overcome the gravitational attraction of the planet trying to pull on the B'rel.  It was finally decided that the third bay was not necessary and was finally omitted (to the pleasure of the development staff struggling with creating a workable method of operating Scout bay as it was being planned).  The space was reallocated for use by Marine forces in the case of the construction of ghop qeylIs.  The modularity of the vessel's construction would allow this space to be converted into a Scout bay should it be desired at some point in the future, or for other purposes as well if desired.

Bay One has the problem of significantly reducing the dorsal area allocated to crew quarters compared to the standard Vor'Cha.  This is countered by the training area of the ship being replaced by holodecks, freeing up some space.  Much of this space will be taken up by Marine personnel and their equipment.  If extra Marines or other personnel are to be brought aboard on a temporary basis exceeding the space available in the cargo areas, arrangements to off-load one or both Scouts for temporary storage can be made.

One of the major problems confronting the analysts was how to recover and "park" the Scouts into spaces that couldn't be much larger than the Scout itself.  Extensive experimentation finally yielded acceptable results.  In the case of each bay, normal departure is performed by reversing the docking process (described separately for each bay).  Emergency evacuation of the Scouts from the Vor'Cha is performed in the same way as standard departures but at a rate as fast as possible.  The most likely scenarios are either a disaster aboard the Scout requiring it be removed from the Vor'Cha or a need for a fast departure from the Vor'Cha, such as cases of irrecoverable failures of major systems or excessive damage resulting in imminent loss of the Vor'Cha.  Force fields and tractor beams are increased to the maximum strength ship conditions permit (up to three times normal power levels).  The Scout will be propelled clear of the Vor'Cha by tractor beams.  The B'rel's Helm/Navigation system will be put into automatic flight mode (if functional) to continue moving the Scout away from the Vor'Cha.  If the Scout is manned, the crew can override the autopilot system at any time.  If removed from the support ship for reasons other that its own imminent destruction and not programmed otherwise, the Scout are often pre-programmed to fly toward a location determined by its owner (such as a world held by the owner's family) where it will later be claimed by its owner or another possessing the Scout's security override codes.


The interior walls of the bay are fitted with modified containment field generators to protect the bay from accidental contact with the B'rel hull.  Multiple tractor beams will be used to guide the Scout into place until a landing is made.  Power for the force fields and tractor beams comes from the ship's power grid or dedicated generators if desired/necessary.  The force fields and tractor beams can be used in cases where the ship is subject to violent movement (such as a combat situation) to prevent the B'rel from damaging the bay area as well as itself.  Some space is available for exterior maintenance work, but it is limited.  The telescoping portion of the wing is retracted into the inner wing structure.  The remaining wing assembly is rotated 90 degrees and folded forward along the fuselage.


This bay is configured identically to Bay One, except that the Scout enters the bay in a forward motion instead of the downward motion of Bay One.  Similar containment fields and tractor beams are used to guide the Scout into place, and can be used to anchor the Scout during violent maneuvers by the Vor'Cha.  The telescoping portion of the wing is retracted into the inner wing structure.  The remaining wing assembly is rotated 90 degrees and folded forward along the fuselage.