Last Update:  07/23/2005

Particle Displacers, now commonly known throughout the Alpha Quadrant as "Transporters", represent today the primary means of entering and exiting most Empire vessels not docked at a port facility or landed on a planet.  This allows for more flexibility in the designing of vessels because they are not necessarily required to be able to land.  It can also be of benefit to the vessel's hull structure by not subjecting it to the stresses associated with atmospheric entry and landing operations.  All large vessels today are equipped with a number of transporter stations to handle all transport needs.

The Vor'Cha-class vessel has 28 stations installed in pairs.  Four of these are normally configured for molecular-level operations to move cargo and inorganic matter, two being on Deck 17 next to the Hanger Deck and the other two on Deck 18 in the forward cargo hold.  Organic transport subjects require the device be set to operate at the quantum level to ensure survival in the transport process.  The cargo units can be reset to quantum resolution if needed.

IKV ghop qeylIs is equipped with different types of transporter units:

Standard Transporters

The Vor'Cha-DaH'HoS variant retains all 28 standard six-man transporters of the Vor'Cha design arranged in pairs, four of which are normally configured to molecular resolution for cargo transport purposes.  One of the transporter rooms normally built in the fuselage has been relocated to the Main Bridge Module.  This will be the only unit able to service the module if separated from the rest of the vessel.  Another one has been moved to the Forward Weapon Module for the same reason.  Thirty-five transporter emitters are scattered around the hull of the vessel, providing 360 degrees of coverage for transporter operations.  This allows for a loss of up to 40 percent of the transporter arrays and still maintain 360 degree coverage.  Dedicated transporter buffer computer memory storage has been increased 10% due to installation of more efficient transporter buffers.  Range of the standard transporter is 20,000 kellicams.  Each pair of Standard Transporter units shares a single Sampling Buffer Container (SBC), usually located directly under the transporter chamber.

Marine Transporters

Rapid Marine assaults are made possible by the installation of 15 Mass Troop Transporter (MTT) units on Deck 16 in addition to the standard transporters.  These units are designed with high-volume scan-only phase transition coils.  These transporter units are only capable of egress from the ship for minimum transport time & power usage and to minimize troop insertion time.  They can also access the transporter buffers of the standard transporter units to minimize overall transport time.  This results in a 31% reduction in payload capacity but a 50% increase in system throughput in a quick-insertion operation.  The range of the MTT is 30,000 kellicams.  When utilizing the transporter system to beam down Marine equipment (tanks, artillery, etc.), use of the pattern buffers for the cargo and personnel units is reallocated for insertion operations.  The buffers of as many MTT units as needed are utilized to accommodate the mass of the equipment.  If transporting personnel with their equipment, MTT buffers will be used for the personnel, followed by standard transporters.  Recovery operations cannot utilize the MTT units since they are only capable of beam-down, however the pattern buffers may be used if desired.

Phase Transporters

In addition to the other transporter facilities, there are two  special-purpose prototype transporter systems (with two specially-built hull transporter arrays) allocated to boarding enemy vessel bridges/installation command centers (C&C - Command and Control) using specially-trained "Death Team" personnel.  These transporter stations are located on the port side of the primary Marine staging area forward of main engineering.  These systems have revived the "silent operation" approach of the earliest Empire-designed transporter systems.  They do not make the noise associated with modern-day transporters, a side effect of the additional safety measures built into the transporters.  Additionally, the glow of this transporter beam is noticeably dimmer than that of the standard transporter system.  The removal of these safety protocols from the materialization/dematerialization routines has accelerated the transport process by an average of 18%.

This transporter system routes the matter stream through the vessel's phasing cloak device (see CLOAKING SYSTEM in the WEAPONS section).  By channeling the matter stream through the device, troops are able to be beamed into enemy positions through any defensive shielding they may have in place.  Because the matter stream will be quickly phased back into normal space once it emerges from the transporter hull emitter, it is necessary for the vessel to be within 350 kellicams of the target at the time of beaming to ensure that the dephasing of the matter stream does not happen while still outside the enemy's shields.  It is a common practice to make use of weak points in shields to make the chances of successful transport as high as possible.  When not in use with the phasing cloak they function as MTT transporter units, sharing the same operating range and only being capable of beam-out from the vessel.

It is important to note that the phasing device cannot be used for transporting functions while it is acting to phase cloak the vessel itself.  This is partially due to a problem in the interface between the phasing cloak and the transporter module added to it having a tendency to disrupt the matter stream while passing through the phasing system.  Due to the amount of memory space required to operate the phasing cloak in either vessel masking mode or phase transporter mode, all the software for each mode of operation cannot be loaded at the same time.  The phasing cloak control processor is normally only loaded with the software utilized for either form of operation.  When given orders to prepare the system for operation in either mode, the Operations officer will load the remaining software appropriate for the requested operating mode.  Deleting the "transient" software for one mode and loading of software for the other mode takes approximately three seconds to perform.  Part of the transporter-specific software includes programming intended to overcome problems in the module add-on causing degradation in the matter stream.  It is hoped that improvements to the module will overcome this problem.  In the meantime, extra software has been installed to fix this problem.  It is also hoped that, as operational experience is gained in the use of the device in both vessel cloaking and transport modes, it will be possible to improve the efficiency of the control software to the point that both functions can be performed at the same time.  Such a capability is of obvious advantage to vessel operations in a combat environment.

At one point an attempt was made to utilize a device developed by the Romulan Empire that had phased Starfleet and Romulan personnel out of normal space.  In simulated operations, the anyon radiation burst required to return transported subjects to normal space had dissipated in strength to a level too weak to return the subjects to normal space.  The radiation was further dissipated by the shields of the target.

Science/Medical Transporters

The Science/Medical area contains one six-man transporter pad for scientific personnel usage or emergency medical evacuation operated by an Engineering technician.  This station is manned at all times in any type of Alert Condition, otherwise an operator is "on-call" for duty at short notice.  It can also be operated by any suitably trained science/medical staff.  Any reprogramming of the transporter biofiltration system software may be performed on the sickbay transporter unit, which can then be duplicated in all other units.  An extra biofiltration system has been installed to help ensure no contaminants are brought aboard.  The biofilters can be operated separately from the rest of the transporter system so that specimens can be transported without the biofilter system trying to neutralize them.

The removable lab modules are also equipped with transporter facilities intended to transport specimens to and from the vessel while operating separated from the vessel.  It is capable of transporting a mass equivalent to one person at a time.  They operate from auxiliary generators connected to the module.  It should be noted that virtually all systems except life support generally must be powered down to allow the built-in transporter system to operate.  If the host vessel (or another ship) is acting as the primary transport operation agent, power will not need to be redirected from other systems of the lab module.  The mass limitation is also no longer in effect.


There are four main stages to a transport operation.  Using the example of beaming off the vessel to a remote location, these stages are as follows:

Target Scan and Coordinate Lock.  Destination coordinates are programmed into the transporter control system.  Scanners verify the range to the target area and any motion it may have.  Environmental conditions are also analyzed.  Diagnostic routines are automatically engaged to verify all systems are operating properly.

Energizing and Dematerialization.  Molecular imaging scanners collect a real-time quantum resolution sampling image of the subject.  The primary energizing coils and phase transition coils convert the subject to a subatomically debonded matter stream.

Sampling Buffer Compensation.  The matter stream is momentarily stopped in the sampling buffer.  This allows for Meaglor(*) Shift compensation between the vessel and transport site.  In the event of a system malfunction, the matter stream will be transferred to another chamber.

NOTE:  Meaglor Shift is the apparent change in frequency of EM radiation (sound, light or beam waves), varying with the relative velocity of vessel and target area.  If the range between them is closing, the observed frequency is higher than the emitted frequency.

Matter Stream Transmission.  This is the point that the matter stream leaves the vessel from one of the hull emitter arrays in an annular confinement beam.


Major transporter system components are listed here:

Particle Transport Chamber.  This is where the materialization/dematerialization occurs.  This is elevated above floor level to help ensure that no static charges can come into contact with the system and create problems for transport operations.

Operator Console.  This is where the transporter system is operated.  Manual operations and overrides are performed from here.

Particle Transporter Controller.  This is the computer control device that normally operates the transporter system.

Primary Energizing Coils.  Located above the transport subjects while on the transport pad, these create the Annular Confinement Beam (ACB).  It creates a spatial matrix where materialization/dematerialization happens.  A secondary field keeps the subject with the ACB.  This is a safety device intended to prevent disruption of the ACB.  This would result in a large energy discharge.

Phase Transition Coils.  This is installed within the particle transport chamber floor.  These wide-band quark manipulation field devices that decouple energy bonds between subatomic particles.  Personnel are transported at quantum resolution, while cargo is moved at the more energy-efficient molecular resolution.  Cargo units can be reset for quantum resolution without difficulty.

Molecular Imaging Scanners.  Each upper pad contains four redundant 0.00174GW molecular imaging scanners set at 90 degree intervals around the primary axis pad.  Error-checking routines will query each scanner for anomalies.  If one unit differs from the other three it will be ignored and flagged for maintenance personnel examination.  A difference from two or three scanners will abort the transport operation.  Each scanner is offset .028 arc seconds from the ACB axis to accommodate real-time derivation of analog quantum state using a series of T'karan compensators.  Quantum-state data is not used when operating at molecular resolution mode.

Sampling Buffer.  This device delays transmission of the matter stream to perform any compensation necessary for Meaglor Shift.  One buffer is shared between two transporter chambers.  One more buffer is always kept on standby in case of equipment failure by standard operating procedure.  A buffer can contain a matter stream for up to 3.36 minutes before pattern degradation begins.

Biofilter.  This devices is designed to filter out foreign bacteria or viruses while the subject is in transport.  This is discussed more above in relation to science and medical-based operations.  This is generally only used in beam up operations to prevent contamination of the vessel.

Emitter Pad Array.  These are mounted on the vessel exterior.  The matter stream is emitted from these to the transport target area or from there back to the vessel.  These incorporate three redundant clusters of long-range virtual-focus molecular imaging scanners used with beaming subjects to the vessel from remote locations.  Phase inversion techniques are invoked when in site-to-site operations within the vessel.

Targeting Scanners.  Twenty partially redundant sensor clusters installed in conjunction with vessel sensor arrays are used to determine remote transport subject coordinates and establish environmental conditions at the transport site.  Other vessel sensor devices are utilized in targeting for transport.  Internal sensors are used for site-to-site transport operations.  Personal communicator devices are used as lock-on nodes.


Beam Up.  This is similar to the beam down process.  The hull emitter array acts as the primary energizing coil and the incoming matter stream is routed through the biofilter.

Site-To-Site Transport.  This is where personnel are transported from one area of the vessel to another.  The transport process is the same as exiting the vessel initially until the matter stream reaches the sampling buffer.  At this point the stream is directed to another buffer and then another emitter array.  The stream is then directed to the destination point.  This method utilizes twice the amount of power required for a transport operation and is therefore not used commonly.  Generally orders to utilize this method will come from the Commanding Officer for special situations.  It is commonly used for moving larger pieces of Marine equipment from their storage area to the primary staging area or Hanger Deck for egress from the vessel at times of preparing forces for insertion into areas of operation.  This methodology does reduce the capacity of the transporter system by 50% due to time required for system resetting.

Holding in Sampling Buffer.  The matter stream is put into brief storage within the sampling buffer.  This can be done in cases where a problem is found within the transporter system that needs to be corrected before transporter operation can resume safely.  It can also be done in cases where the transport subject is armed or otherwise considered a threat.  The matter stream will be held in the buffer until security and/or other appropriate personnel can arrive at the transporter room to receive the transport subject.

Dispersal.  Disengaging the ACB will result in the loss of a reference matrix.  The subject will rematerialize in a random fashion, usually in the form of gases and microscopic particles.  Transporter operators can disengage the system when it is necessary to transport harmful objects off the vessel, such as bombs or other devices.  One safety interlock prevents the ACB from being disabled accidentally.  In such operations the material is usually transported into open space.

Near-Warp Transport.  Transporting subjects through a low-level subspace field (under 850 dellikelriks) requires adjustment of the transport sequence, including a 74.1MHz upshift of the ACB frequency to compensate for subspace distortion.

Warp Transport.  Warp velocity transporting requires a 74.1MHz upshift of the ACB frequency as well as ensuring that the vessel and destination are moving at exactly identical velocities.  Failure to maintain identical velocities will severely disrupt the ACB frequency and pattern integrity.  Organic subjects cannot survive such an event.

There are limitations to the operation of the transporter system.  They include:

Range.  Limits are 20,000kc for standard transporters and 30,000kc for MTT units.  The Phase Transporter is effective for only 350kc before the matter stream phases back to normal space and can be blocked by enemy shields.  Work continues on extending its effective range.

Deflector Shields.  The ACB for normal transporters cannot cross the interference field generated by deflector shielding systems.  The pattern integrity can also be significantly disrupted.  There have been cases where, if the operating frequency of the target's shields is known, it has been possible for the ACB system to match that frequency and pass through the shield layer.  Due to increasing use of modulating shield frequencies by all major powers in their vessels and space/planetary-based installations, this technique is rarely able to be attempted anymore.  A few operations of this nature were successful in boarding enemy vessels before policies of shield frequency modulation were adopted by enemy governments.

Duty Cycle.  While the transport operation takes about four seconds to perform, the buffer requires approximately 70 seconds to cool and reset.  Transport beam conduits allow any transporter pad to utilize any sampling buffer, allowing a chamber to be reused immediately.  There are normally fourteen sampling buffers in use during transport (twenty-eight stations operating two pads paired to one buffer), allowing twenty-five transport operations before a pause is needed for resetting.  This results in a transport rate of 26.6 six-person transports per minute or approximately 1600 persons per hour.